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Drainpipe - HH Parkway 1466x2000_edited.jpg


Jessica Ziegler is a New York City based artist whose work centers on uncovering and celebrating the often-overlooked details of the cityscape, transforming mundane viewscapes and elements into sources of beauty and wonder.


Her paintings often incorporate dramatic lighting and unusual perspectives to draw attention to the craftmanship and beauty of the built environment.


Growing up in a family of artists, she was imbued with a profound appreciation for color, light, form, and structure -- all of which inform her work today. She left a career in technology in 2016 to become a professional artist and studied drawing and painting at the New York Academy of Art, the Art Students League, and 92NY.


Her work has appeared in numerous juried shows and online exhibitions and she is a Signature Member of  NAWA, The National Association of Women Artists.

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